The Trafford Data Lab is involved in one of six pilots in the opengovintelligence (OGI) project. The Trafford Worklessness Pilot aims to produce a suite of applications to visualise Linked Open Statistical Data (LOSD), and other open data sources, to identify areas of need and inform service delivery related to worklessness. These applications have been co-created with Jobcentre Plus staff in Stretford and council leads for worklessness across Greater Manchester. They use LOSD stored in the GM Data Store, are transformed using table2qb and queried using cubiql which are both part of the OGI toolkit.
Trafford Worklessness Pilot Apps
The following applications have been developed, each tailored to a specific requirement.

Simple dashboard presenting summary statistics and time series data on unemployment claimant rates. Information can be viewed at electoral ward and local authority level to enable benchmarking. This tool provides commissioners of services, policy makers, managers and work coaches with an overview of worklessness across Greater Manchester.
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Identify hot and cold spots of worklessness across Greater Manchester. Using a technique called 'Local Indicators of Spatial Association' (Anselin, 1995) the tool identifies statistically significant spatial clusters and outliers of worklessness using claimant count and other data. The tool is aimed at analysts who are interested in the spatial distribution of worklessness.
View documentation | Tutorial video

An interactive mapping app to help link workers find services that support vulnerable clients find work. Food banks, GPs and in future, complex needs support like alcohol and drug services will be shown. The included reachability tool allows users to identify the closest services to a client's home address within a specified travel time distance and the proximity of services to Jobcentre Plus locations.
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Please visit the opengovintelligence website for more information. Articles for the project have been published on Medium. All code and resources developed for the Trafford Worklessness Pilot are available in our GitHub repository.