COVID-19 Vaccination uptake rate for Trafford areas
Trafford COVID-19 vaccination rates for residents age 12+ on October 19th 2022 was 83.2% for first dose, 80.1% for second dose, and 65.1% for third injection. These are each lower than the equivalent rates for England at 93.6%, 88.4% and 69.6%.
Although the vaccination uptake rate in Trafford for the first dose was 83.2%, there is a gap of 23% between the areas (MSOA) with the highest and lowest vaccination uptake rates. There are Timperley South with 90% and Old Trafford with 67%. For the booster or third dose Old Trafford had a vaccination uptake rate as low as 39%, with a gap of 37% compared with the area with the highest vaccination uptake rate, Timperley South with 76%.
The vaccination uptake of the spring booster among of those aged 75+ in Trafford was 79.1%, slightly higher than the uptake in England (78.2%). The Autumn booster vaccination uptake of people aged 50+ in Trafford was 42.8%, almost 5% higher than in England with 37.9% on the 19th of October 2022.