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(showing all 44).

. Trafford's population pyramid comparing mid-2023 population estimates vs 2018 population projections for 2023.. . Trafford's drivers of population change inthe year to mid-2022. . Visualising the changes to the ward and locality boundaries in Trafford. . COVID-19 vaccination uptake rate for Trafford MSOAs on the 19th of October 2022. . Housing affordability ratio from 2010 to 2021 for Trafford, England and similar local authorities. . Population percent at risk of Digital exclusion in Trafford based on the LSOAs DERI score. . Monthly mean NO2 concentrations along the A56 September 2018 to August 2021. . Claimant rate by five age bands in Trafford from January 2020 to February 2021. . Differences in life expectancy between males and females in small areas of Trafford. . Distribution of Internet engagement across Trafford's neighbourhoods. . Age-standardised suicide rate in Trafford, North West & England over 3-year rolling periods. . Maps showing the area covered by golf courses in Trafford's electoral wards. . Percentage of households with no access to a private or shared garden by MSOA. . Recent sightings of birds of conservation concern at Carrington Moss. . Visits to retail locations, supermarkets and local parks in Trafford since mid-February 2020. . Child poverty in Greater Manchester local authorities between 2014/15 and 2018/19. . Claimant rate in Trafford's wards during the COVID-19 outbreak. . Estimated percentage of residents in Trafford by age and generation, mid-2019. . Air pollution levels in Trafford during the COVID-19 lockdown compared to 2018 and 2019 levels. . Parks across Greater Manchester awarded a Green Flag, 2019. . Jobs below the living wage in each Local Authority within Greater Manchester, 2017 - 2018. . Deaths from alcohol related conditions in each Local Authority within Greater Manchester, 2017. . Proportion of Trafford residents aged 50 and over living alone in each electoral ward, 2011. . Incidents in Trafford resulting in death or serious injury, 2018. . Obesity prevelance amongst Year 6 children, 2015/16 - 2017/18. . Change in carbon dioxide emissions in Trafford, Greater Manchester and England, 2005 - 2017. . Businesses by employment size band in Trafford, Greater Manchester and England, 2019. . Index of Multiple Deprivation of small areas in Trafford, 2019. . Measure of economic activity of each Local Authority within Greater Manchester, 2017. . Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive accreditations in Greater Manchester, 2014 - 2019. . Download speed of broadband connections in Trafford, May/June 2018. . Police recorded crime rate in Trafford compared to Greater Manchester, year ending June 2019. . Extent of Green Belt designated land in Trafford, March 2019. . Household waste recycling in Trafford, Greater Manchester and England, 2010-11 and 2017-18. . Commuting journeys by mode of transport in Trafford, 2011. . Number of licensed electric vehicles in Trafford, 2012 - 2019. . 24 hour mean PM10 concentrations over 12 months, 2019. . Median house prices by electoral ward in Trafford, 2018. . Proportion of Trafford households in fuel poverty, 2017. . Age profile of Trafford's Universal Credit claimants by electoral ward, 2019. . Age composition of Trafford,  mid-2018. . Rates of employment in Trafford, Greater Manchester and England, June 2010 - June 2019. . Life expectancy at birth vs deprivation in Trafford's wards, 2011-2015. . Old-age dependency ratios in Trafford's wards, 2017.