Bite-size articles with a chart or a map. Choose a charticle from the following list to open in a new window, the latest ones are presented first.
Population estimate vs projection
Components of population change
Trafford's changing wards
COVID 19 Vaccinations
Housing affordability
Digital Exclusion
Roadside pollution
Claimant rate by age band
Life expectancy by MSOA
Internet engagement
Suicide registrations
Golf courses
Dwellings with no outdoor space
Birds of conservation concern
Mobility trends
Child Poverty
Claimant Rate
Air pollution levels during COVID-19
Green Flag Awards
Living wage
Alcohol-related deaths
Living alone
Road casualties
Childhood obesity
CO2 emissions
Relative deprivation
Gross Value Added
Broadband speed
Crime rate
Green Belt
Travel to work
Electric vehicles
Air pollution
Median house prices
Fuel poverty
Claimant count
Population projection
Employment rate
Gaps in life expectancy
Old age dependency ratio